Septic tanks are a necessity for human life. They collect waste from your home and help to keep it clean and healthy. A septic tank should be inspected every 3-5 years to ensure it is still working correctly, which is very easy. Septic tanks are crucial for our homes and an essential part of a healthy environment.
Some of the waste in septic tanks include animal waste, laundry detergent, human waste, grease, and oil. The smell produced by these things combined is unappealing as well as hazardous. Suppose a septic tank is leaking or there is a larger amount of non-standard waste present in the tank than usual. In that case, it may be time to contact a qualified service person to perform necessary repairs and ensure everything is cleaned out properly.
The following factors are important when determining when one should inspect and pump their septic tanks:
1) Size of the house
The size of your house is a significant factor in determining how often you should clean your tank. If you live in a house with more than two people, you will fill up the septic tank faster than in homes with fewer people. The septic system will break down much quicker if it is not pumped regularly.
2) Size of your Septic tank
The size of the tank is also a significant factor in making this determination. If you have a larger septic tank, it should be pumped out more often than a smaller one. A larger septic tank will need to be pumped every 2-3 years as opposed to a smaller one, which will only need to be cleaned every 4-5 years.
3) How close to the waste your drain is located
If your drain is next to your septic system, you will have a more challenging time keeping the area clean and safe. If you're located too close to the tank, it will be harder to keep the area clean.
4) How bad the smell is
If your septic tank is leaking and the smell is quite strong, you should get a pump done as soon as possible so that everything can be fixed and cleaned out.
5) The type of soil involved
If your drain is on top of clay soil, it will be more challenging to clean than if it's on top of the sand. This means that you will have to pump your septic tank more often.
6) How long the septic tank has been installed
The average time a septic tank will last is 15-20 years. If you have a larger system, you should get one pumped out more often than if your system is smaller. You should also replace your septic tank after 15-20 years or sooner if it has been leaking for a very long time or becoming weak in terms of performance.
7) Volume of the wastewater
The more wastewater your septic tank receives, the harder it will be for your septic system to keep up. This means you should pump it out regularly to ensure it is operating to peak performance. Septic tanks also need a good amount of space between the top of the wastewater and the ground's surface. If your septic tank isn't pumped out often enough, there may not be enough room for all the waste to go in, and the water may not be able to leave properly.
8) Clogs
If your septic tank has a clog in it, you will need to empty the tank and pump it out. This may require you to hire a plumber to come in and remove the clog. The septic system needs to be emptied and pumped out immediately once something like this occurs.
9) The weather
It would be best if you got a septic tank pumped out more during the summer months, or you may have to have a plumber come in and clean it for you. Depending on how cold the ground gets, you may also need to get it pumped out more often during the winter. If your lawn is frozen, it can make it harder for your wastewater to reach the drain properly.
Inspecting and pumping your septic tank can be very difficult. The reason for this is that this task can be hazardous if not done by an individual who specializes in the job or by professionals.